what do I desire? what do i long to express through connection with others and self and the world at large?
I’m hungry.
to taste. to see. to touch and explore. too love. to embody love. to take bites of this miraculous existence and to always stay open, true and soft.
I desire to devour the opportunity to be honest and forthright and expand into my senses. I desire to embrace the forgotten parts of myself and those i long for…to show up with touch and knowing eyes and an embrace that will last until your grave can hold you.
desire. it’s a fabulous word. to taste. to sense. to explore and entice and come undone and be found out and find. discover our own good heart amongst the debris of damage. the chance to live again. to be inhaled and heard and seen and known. to do so, as well. to taste and indulge in and revere and honor and give thanks for. desire.
it turns all halves into whole.



