



Out of all the places you can visit in this wide web world, you have found your way here. I am grateful.


My purpose in this life is to help create sanctuary and healing in a hurting world. 

I do this through my work as a somatic healing facilitator, a grief worker, a wholistic doula and a self-intimacy coach. 

The main intersections of my work are somatics, trauma, grief and healing. 

I work with people who are on a personal quest to discover, uncover and lay claim to their sacred authenticity. 

I believe that together we are birthing a new way of being human in this world and it all begins with our individual capacity for healing – which is rooted in the work of self-intimacy. 

Our World

Our world is full of noise. 


This noise reverberates through our minds and can easily become the soundtrack to our living. 


We are pulled from one moment to the next with the latest distraction promising us more happiness, greater ease or fatter bank accounts where the focus is always centered on external solutions to our “problems” and pain.

The systems and societies that so many of us grow up in have initiated us into a type of normal that pulls us away from the inner workings of our connection to source. We are conditioned to seek resolution and happiness from everywhere but the stillness of our own existence. 


We are often so caught up in a loop of assigning our worth to how much we can produce and acheive that the notion of pausing long enough to connect and care deeply with our center is considered strange if not impossible. 


Our world is starving for connection.


The very place this kind of necessary connection begins is in relationship with ourselves. 

My Work

My work is about creating the space and pace to cultivate and honor that relationship. We do this by turning our attention inward in order to connect with the wisdom and information of our bodies. Offering our attention here helps to deepen our capacities for healing and allows us to open up conversation with our own knowing where the awareness for what is possible becomes ever expanding. 

I believe that if we lean in close enough to the landscape within, we are able to get very clear information on what we are here on this planet to become and the next steps we can take in order to move toward deeper healing and intentional growth. 

The tools I offer my clients help strengthen their ability to stay with what IS while widening their experience of what CAN be. 

I hold the space and offer tools to help cultivate this honest staying with self. 

The wonder of what happens next is for us all to behold. 

 It would be an honor to be beside you in this work. 

To learn more about working with me one-on-one through individual Somatic Therapy sessions or to commit to a deeper exploration through a 3-month long Self-Intimacy coaching experience, send me a message of interest! 

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